The Reef This Week - With St John's Lutheran School
In November there is so much to look forward to when it comes to planning your educational experience on the Great Barrier Reef. Just ask any of the crew at GBR Biology and we could provide a list longer than your arm.
The excitement of spawning fish aggregations, turtles nesting, and dugongs calving are just some of the annual wonder’s that the Great Barrier Reef will display. It is also a time for the main event on the reef the annual mass coral spawning event.
We recently hosted students from St John’s Lutheran School, travelling from Southeast Queensland to Cairns for their school camp. The students saw firsthand the natural phenomenon of the World Heritage Area on their recent trip to Marine World on Moore Reef. Students witnessed the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef through glass bottom boats and immersed themselves in snorkeling activities led by out Marine Biologists.
For some students, this was their first time snorkeling, and on the Great Barrier Reef no less! In this magical environment we introduced these young minds to the marine environment, supported and guided by our expert marine biologists through the whole experience. The highlight of our day was hearing from students that “This was the best day in my entire life.”
Students observed different characters and relationships on the reef, all their senses were stirred in a world of texture, noise, and visual displays like no other. One of the highlights of the day for the students was snorkelling alongside our Māori Wrasse Wally, his close encounters allow opportunities for our marine biologists to discuss structural adaptations and behaviours Wally has, to thrive within the reef system. We love being able to take each day as it comes and create connections to the curriculum through the environment. Students are learning all day through immersive experiences and each day the environment provides new and exciting learning opportunities.
Students also spent time with our cultural education ranger Brian, sharing the creation story of the Great Barrier Reef from his people. All students were on their feet and dancing as Brian embraced traditional dancing, teaching the students male and female specific dance.
At GBR Biology we believe in the hands-on learning experiences allowing students to fully engross themselves in the culture and wonder of the land and sea country we explore. The students learnt the importance of sustainability within our environment and how traditional practices still play a vital role in the modern-day reef landscape.
To find out how you can get your students involved, reach out to the friendly staff at GBR Biology by emailing reefed@experienceco.com. Our passion is educating your students in Queensland’s World Heritage Area.